2020 was an incredible year of growth for Butler as we were able to help so many brands make huge shifts towards increased digital marketing and communication. With the increase in demand for keeping brands relevant online came the necessity for growth within our team.
We have been fortunate to add a few rockstars to the lineup. Meet the newest additions to the Butler Team.

The Ambassador
Meet Ryan Hansen – retired Special Forces Combat Veteran turned domesticated home-brewer and online influencer. He’s committed to helping brands find unique ways to level-up their image and marketing. If you know you can do “more” and “better” with your brand but don’t know where and how to start, Ryan is the man you want to talk to.

The Organizer
Meet Brittany Elsome – gregarious, bubbly, and driven art enthusiast / lover of Gummy Bear Tea. Brittany’s marketing education and agency experience got her foot in the door. Her organizational skills and love for moving projects forward sealed the deal. For all our marketing clients, you’ll be seeing a lot of Brittany – Butler’s newest Marketing Assistant.

The Content Strategist
Meet Danny Cameron – producer, screen-writer, lover of film-noir, and family man. Danny’s professional experience and extensive background share a single common thread – creative genius in writing content. We’re excited to bring Danny’s skills in content strategy and writing to the table for our clients.
We’re looking forward to serving our clients in greater ways with the high-level branding and marketing services expected from Butler Branding.